VITAMIN C 100mg N40 tab


DESCRIPTION: Yellowish colour pills, 7 mm diameter, dual convex pills. Slightly intensive yellowish colour inserts is permissible.
COMPOSITION: Ascorbic acid – 100 mg;
AIDING SUBSTANCES: glucose, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium or magnesium stearate; talcum; E 104
PHARMACOLOGICAL OPERATION: Vitamin C is characterized with multilateral actions: Facilitates assimilation of carbohydrate and proteins; iron absorption form food; formation of steroid hormones; takes part in blood coagulation and metabolism processes; among them vitamin B12 synthesis; increases organism’s contradiction ability toward the infectious diseases; decreases pass of vessels walls. By taking part in those processes C vitamin influences on inflammatory and allergic reactions and facilitates restoring and protecting processes current in the organism. Decreases cholesterol in blood and forwards normalize of arterial pressure.
Pharmacokinetics: There isn’t sufficient information;
INDICATION: IT IS USED IN COMPLEX THERAPY, AS AN AID MEAN: Hypo and beriberi, lowering immune resistance, prophylactics of upper inhalant infections; bleeding from gums; appetite lowering; increases physical and mental work; tiredness, asthenia state, iron-deficient anaemia, leaning toward bleeding, with increased pass of capillaries walls, post diseases transferring recovering period;
CONTRA-INDICATION: Allergic reactions toward the some components of the preparation.
USING RULE AND DOSAGE: The preparation is taken perorally after eating. In adults: from 100mg to 600 milligram in twenty-four hours a day (form 1 to 6 pills twenty-four hours a day); For children – form 1 to 6 age – 100 mg (one pill twenty-four hours a day); Children up to 6 age – from 100mg to 300 mg (from 1 to three pills twenty-four hours a day);
USAGE SAFETY (CAREFULNESS): Smoking may cause assimilation ability reduction of vitamin C by the organism. Overdose taking of C vitamin (more than 2 grams twenty-four hours a day) may have influence on the results of some laboratory tests. C vitamin’s taking isn’t recommended in the evening because of light stimulating activity. Vitamin C should be used safely in those people who have different inborn diseases (phenylketonuria, deficit of glucose 6-phosphatase, hemochromatosis, thalassemia, glucose- isomaltose insufficiency, sideropenic anemia), kidney pebble diseases, also in case of increased blood coagulation.
OVERDOSE: Ovedosage of vitamin C may cause anemia, headache, formation of pebble in the kidneys, polyuria, cramps, diarrhea, vomit, nausea. Because of significant increase of urine acidity, there is a risk of pebble formation in the kidneys and urinary tracts (urate, oxalate, cysteic). Treatment is symptomatic. As great amount vitamin C is secreted with urine it doesn’t cause toxicosis. In the literature is described the event of 15gr C vitamin taking for 4 months daily without reaction reveal.
PREGNANCY AND LACTATION: Taking of vitamin C is recommended: At time of pregnancy and lactation;
INTERRELATION WITH OTHER TREATING PREPARATIONS: Vitamin C takes part in change of treating means. At time of taking it with acetylsalicylic acid simultaneously, vitamin C increases operating process of salicyl. It may abate operation of affetamin and tricyclic antidepressants. Taking it with deferoxamin simultaneously, increases iron secretion with urine. Taking of vitamin C overdose may prolong blood coagulation processes and/or abate operation of anticoagulant. Ascorbic acid increases estrogenic preparations’ and all peroral antifertility agents’ concentration in blood. There must be 2 hours interval between taking vitamin C and vitamin B12, as vitamin B12 decomposes with taking it with vitamin C simultaneously.
SIDE EFFECTS: There won’t be side reactions if the preparation is taken with indicated dosages. If vitamin C will be taken overdose for a long time (more than 1 gram in a day) there may be developed headache, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, skin redness, excess urine secretion. Overdosage may cause formation of pebbles in the kidneys.
PACKAGE: 20 pills in polyvinylchloride blister. 2 blisters are put in carton box.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Is kept not more than 250 temperature, keep away from children.
After visual check and defect revealing, usage of preparation is forbidden.
ISSUING RULE FROM DRUGSTORE: III group (issuing regime: without prescription)
EXPIRE: 2 years.
PRODUCER: “Neopharmi” LTD
D. Aghmashenebeli alley 12 km, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Tel/ Fax: + 995 (32) 259-57-90; 259-64-46