Blueberry tea 0,5-1,0L sugar free

Blueberry iced tea is made on the basis of blueberry leaves. Blueberry leaves are rich in anthocyanin glycosides (especially myrtilin and neomyrtilin, which reduce blood sugar levels), organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, triterpene compounds (oleic acid and others), vitamin C (up to 250 mg%), carotene, hydroquinone and other useful with compounds.
Composition: blueberry leaves, sweet, potassium sorbate.
Cold blueberry tea has vision-improving, diuretic, choleretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory effects, helps reduce appetite, lowers blood sugar levels, so it is recommended to be used by patients with diabetes.

Storage is recommended at a temperature of 8-25oC, protected from light.