INTERNATIONAL NAME: Rauwolfia alkaloids.
DRUG FORM: Coated tablets.
COMPOSITION: Active substance: Rauwolfia total alkaloids – 2mg.
Aiding substances: magnesium carbonate, starch, lactose, talcum, calcium stearate, polyvinylpyrrolidone, saccharose, aerosol, titanium dioxide, green color.
PHARMACOLOGICAL OPERATION: Pharmacodynamics: Raunatin contains complex of Rauvolfia alkaloids: reserpine, serpentine, ajmaline and etc. Raunatin has hypotensive action, which is conditioned by the reduction of biogenic monoamines (noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin) concentration in the Central Nervous System. By the violation of mediators’ deposition process in the presynaptic terminals, the preparation blocks adrenergic transmission (innervation), which causes gradual reduction of blood pressure. The peculiarity of the drug is increase of kidney’s glomerular filtration and accordingly increases of blood supply. Raunatin has also antiarrhythmic action, it restores excitation and patency processes in the heart muscle. It has soothing action on the Central Nervous System. Therapeutic effect of the preparation reveals gradually. During 10-14 days from the beginning of treatment and maintains during 2-3 months.
Pharmacokinetics: Alkaloids of the preparations are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Maximal concentration is achieved after 1-2 hours from intake. 40-50% of the preparation relates to blood plasma proteins. Semiejection period makes up 50-170 hours. Metabolizes in the liver and spleen. Basically eliminated with excrements and urine.
ORDER OF USE AND DOSAGE: Raunatin is prescribed in adults and is taken orally after a meal. Initial dose of the first day is 1 pill in a day, the second day – 1 pill 2 times in a day, the third day – 1 pill 3 times in a day. Then the total dose is increased up to 4-6 pills in a day. After a stable therapeutic effect preparation dose is gradually reduced 1-2 pills in a day.
Maximal daily dose is 6 pills. Treatment course makes up 3-4 weeks. However the preparation is often taken for a long time, the maintenance dose 1 pill in a day. Daily dose and duration of treatment is decided by a doctor.
CONTRAINDICATION: Hypersensitivity toward Rauvolfia alkaloids, gastric and duodenal ulcer, arterial hypotensia, heart failure, heart organic damages, bradycardia, expressed cerebral atherosclerosis, depression, epilepsy, parkinsonism, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and lactation.
SIDE EFFECTS: When taking Raunatin according to recommended doses it doesn’t cause side effects.
In some cases there may develop: abdominal pain, nausea, rash on the skin, swelling of the mucous membrane, increased sweating, dry mouth, general weakness, depression, pain in the heart area, bradycardia. Remove of side effects can be achieved by the reduction of dose or after a short break of preparation intake (1-3 days). But in case of clear intolerance stop taking of drug.
OVERDOSE: When taking the preparation in high doses it is possible to reinforce above stated side effects.
SYMPTOMS: General weakness, expressed hypotensia, sweating. In hard cases after a brief euphoria there develop, sleepiness, depression, loss of consciousness.
TREATMENT: Stop taking of preparation, gastric lavage, intake of activated charcoal, artificial diuresis, in case of need intravenous introduction of Rheopolyglukin or Mesaton by adding Аngiotensinamidum or 2% noradrenaline hydrotartrate. Subcutaneously injected also 10% caffeine- benzoate sodium solution.
INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEDICINES: Antihypertensive operation of Raunatin reinforces at time of using together with other hypotensive preparations.
The preparation is safely prescribed with quinidine, octadinum, cardiac glycosides, because it may strengthen their toxic action. Hypotensive effect of Raunatin becomes stronger by its combination with diuretics. Raunatin reduces efficiency of Parkinson’s drugs.
USAGE DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION PERIOD: Use of preparation in pregnancy and lactation period isn’t recommended.
INFLUENCE ON VEHICLE AND MECHANISMS MANAGEMENT: The preparation can break the fast response, especially in the beginning of treatment. So, the patient should avoid an activity, which needs increased attention and quick psychomotor reaction.
DRUG RELEASE FORM: Primary package: N 10 pills on the pvc/alu blister.
Secondary package: 5 blisters in the box with instruction.
DATE OF EXPIRE: 3 years.
Do not use preparation after expire or in case of visual defect.
STORAGE CONDITION: Is kept in a dry and dark place in condition of 15-250C temperature, and inaccessible for children.
ORDER OF ISSUE FROM PHARMACY: III group of pharmaceutical product, is issued without prescription.
PRODUCER: “Neopharmi” LTD.
Davit Aghmashenebeli alley 12 km, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Tel/fax: + 995 (32) 259 64 46, 259 57 90