DRUG FORM: Capsules.   
COMPOSITION: Dry extract of HEPAMEDI– 0.15 g.
Aiding substances: Starch; magnesium base carbonate.  
PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION: Dry extract of HEPAMEDI is received from the cover of fruits of green unripe walnuts (Juglans regia L.)  and it is characterized by multilateral pharmacological action. Walnut fruits have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant, cholagogue, covering a mucous membrane, diuretic, healing, general-tonic action. 
«HEPAMEDI» improves function of gastrointestinal tract, promotes digestion, it is characterized with Hepatoprotective and bile-expelling operation, protects a liver from damaging factors.       
The cover of fruits of a green (unripe) walnut contains vitamin C, and also vitamins in a considerable quantity: В1, В6, Е, provitamin A, alkaloid Yunglone, essence, organic acids, phenol- carbolic acid, flavonoid, coumarins, tanning matters. 
Coumarins and flavonoids are characterized with antimicrobic, spasmolytic, bile-expelling, diuretic action, Р vitamin activity. Vitamin В1 regulates function of nervous system, blood circulation and digestive organs, vitamin В6 is characterized improving function of a liver by action. Vitamin C regulates passableness of walls of blood vessels, raises stability of an organism to different infections, improves functions of a liver and kidneys, participates in oxidation-restoration process.  
• Preventive maintenance of liver diseases;
• Chronic inflammatory diseases of liver; 
• Alcoholic, beam and toxic damages of liver;
• Treatment of liver cirrhosis as a part of the combined therapy;
• Period after long-term treatment by anti-inflammatory nonsteroid, antibiotics and other
• Hepatitis;
• Cholecystitis, cholangitis, dyskinesia of bilious ways;
• Infringement of function of gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, enteritis, diarrhea).     
Taken perorally.   
In adults: 1-2 capsules 3 times in a day for half an hour before food intake. During treatment it is necessary to keep a diet. 
Duration of treatment 2 months. 
In case of hepatitis, chronic inflammatory diseases and cirrhosis of liver it is necessary to make 2-month course of treatment, once a year throughout 3 years.  
CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Hypersensibility to the components which are a part of a preparation. nephrolithiasis and bilelithiasis illnesses.   
SIDE-EFFECTS: It may cause allergic reactions. 
OVERDOSE: Overdose cases aren’t fixed. 
The pregnancy and lactation period: the data about safe use of a preparation in pregnancy and a lactation isn’t given. 
Interaction with other preparations: Interaction with other preparations isn’t described.
Primary package: 10 capsules on a blister. 
Secondary package: 3 blisters in a carton box with the application instruction.
SHELF LIFE:  3 years.
In case of visual defects and expiry validity date, the preparation can not be used.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: store on room temperature, in a dark, dry place and keep away from children. 
ISSUE: The third group of pharmaceutical product – issued without prescription.
PRODUCER: “Neopharmi” Ltd.
12th km, David Agmashenebeli alley, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel/Fax: +995 (32) 59-57-90; 59-64-46.