FOLIC ACID - 0,005G №40 tab


DRUG FORM: Tablets.
DESCRIPTION: Yellowish colour pills, dark color inserts is permissible.
Aiding substances: Lactose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, calcium stearate, starch, talc.
PHARMACOLOGICAL OPERATION: Folic acid is a part of vitamins Bc. Folic acid metabolizes in an organism to tetrahydrofolic acid. It is a coenzyme, which is necessary for normal megaloblast maturing and production of normoblast. Folic acid stimulates erythrogenesis.It participates: in synthesis of amino acids, in an exchange of nucleinic acids, purine, pyrimidine and choline.
PHARMACOKINETICS: It is completely soaked up peroral introduction from proximal part of duodenal gut and small intestines. 98,5% from the entered dose are defined in blood after 3-6 hours. Before absorption in intestines folic acid restores by means of enzyme (dehydropholatreductase). Deposition and metabolism of folic acid is carried out in the liver. 50% from the entered dose is eliminated with urine.
INDICATION: It is used in complex therapy, as an aid mean.
· Anaemia which has developed because of deficiency of folic acid (medicamentous or action of ionising radiation, leucopenia, megaloblastic anemia, sideroblastic anemia, anemia caused by small intestinal disease);
· Treatment and prevention of anemia during pregnancy and lactation.
CONTRA-INDICATION: Additional sensitivity toward folic acid.
USING RULE AND DOSAGE: The preparation is taken perorally after eating.
The daily dose for adults makes 5 mg.
Course of treatment proceeds 20-30 days. It is necessary to repeat course after 1 month.
For the treatment of megaloblastic anemia Folic acid is prescribed 5mg/in a day for 4 month.
For the prevention of fetal’s neural tube defects folic acid administered in a dose of 5mg/day for 4 weeks before the planned pregnancy and treatment continues during the first trimester of pregnancy.
For children, the daily dose depends on the age.
The daily requirement for children from 1 to 6 months is 0,025mg, from 6 to 12 months – 0,035mg, from 1 to 3 years 0,05mg, from 4 to 6 years – 0,075mg, from 7 to 10 years 0,1mg, from 11 to 14 years 0,15mg, from 15 years 0,2mg, for pregnant women – 0,4 mg, during lactation – 0,26-0,28mg.
SIDE EFFECTS: Allergic reactions, a bronchospasm, erythema, heat, a rash on a skin.
CAUTION: Long reception of a preparation with a high doses can cause reduction of cyanocobalamin concentration in blood. At time of pernicious anemia for the purpose of avoiding neurologic complications the combination of folic acid and cyanocobalamin is expedient.
PREGNANCY AND LACTATION: Based on the fact that folic acid deficiency is particularly dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, the reception of this vitamin is recommended in the preparation period of pregnancy and during the whole period of pregnancy – 1 mg daily.
INTERACTION WITH OTHER MEDICAL MEANS: In combination with chloramphenicol, neomycin, tetracycline the absorption of folic acid decreases. In combination with pheniton, pyrimidine, pasca, sulfasalazine, chloramphenicol, hormonal contraceptives with folic acid their therapeutic effect decreases.
OVERDOSE: Folic acid is well tolerated when taken in doses of 4-5mg. In the casse of higher doses may develop disorders of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
ISSUING RULE: Pharmaceutical product group III, issued without prescription.
SHELF LIFE: 2 years.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store on 15-25ºC temperature, keep away from children.
In case of visual defects and expiry of validity date, the preparation can not be used.
Folic acid – 0.005g (5mg).
Primary packing: №20 tablets on a blister.
Secondary packing: 2 blisters in a cardboard box.
MANUFACTURER: Ltd “Neopharmi”.

12th km, David Agmashenebeli alley,Tbilisi,Georgia.
Tel/ Fax: + 995 (032) 259-64-46, 259-57-90.